
Room Illustrations

When I was twelve, my parents changed my room.. The room was oke, I mean, for a twelve-year-old..There were purple walls and a fatboy involved... But I got older.. Last Fall, my room changed again, but this time I did it all on my own (oke, with lots and lots of help from Martinus, Suus and Grace).. I painted all my walls white, and I painted little Illustrations. Once a week/month I paint new ones, and I'll go trew with it until.. until.. I dont really know.. Until I have a new project to be busy with :P
Well, here they come..

Flying girl, above my Desk

Above my door

Above My closet

With her Little pig, Above my Bed


  1. that is so cute! was a lovely idea

  2. cute!!! you're a great artist...

    by the way, thanks for the comment.
